             AUSCERT External Security Bulletin Redistribution

       SSRT3531 Potential Security Vulnerability in sendmail (rev.1)
                               07 April 2003


        AusCERT Security Bulletin Summary

Product:                sendmail
Vendor:                 Hewlett-Packard
Operating System:       HP-UX 11.22
                        HP-UX 11.11
                        HP-UX 11.04(VVOS)
                        HP-UX 11.00
                        HP-UX 10.20
                        HP-UX 10.10
Platform:               HP 9000 Series 700/800
Impact:                 Root Compromise
                        Denial of Service
Access Required:        Remote
CVE Names:              CAN-2003-0161

Ref:                    AL-2003.05

- --------------------------BEGIN INCLUDED TEXT--------------------

Hash: SHA1

**REVISED 01**
 Originally issued: 03 April 2003
 Last revised: 04 April 2003
 SSRT3531 Potential Security Vulnerability in sendmail (rev.1)

NOTICE: There are no restrictions for distribution of this
Bulletin provided that it remains complete and intact.

The information in the following Security Bulletin should be
acted upon as soon as possible.  Hewlett-Packard Company will
not be liable for any consequences to any customer resulting
from customer's failure to fully implement instructions in this
Security Bulletin as soon as possible.

PROBLEM: Potential security vulnerability in sendmail

IMPACT: Potential unauthorized Privileged Access,
        Potential Denial of Service (DoS).

PLATFORM: HP 9000 Series 700/800 Servers running HP-UX 10.10,
          10.20, 11.00, 11.04(VVOS), 11.11, and 11.22.

SOLUTION: Download and install the appropriate files or the
 -->      HPSecurityBul253.depot.

 -->      The sendmail files and HPSecurityBul253.depot
 -->      referenced in HPSBUX0304-253 also address the
 -->      issues documented in HPSBUX0302-246.

 -->      If the sendmail files or HPSecurityBul253.depot
 -->      from HPSBUX0304-253 are installed, it is not necessary
 -->      to install the sendmail files or HPSecurityBul246.depot
 -->      from HPSBUX0302-246.

 -->      If both sets of sendmail files, or both depots, are
 -->      installed, the sendmail files or HPSecurityBul253.depot
 -->      from HPSBUX0304-253 must be installed *AFTER* the
 -->      sendmail files or HPSecurityBul246.depot from HP
 -->      HPSBUX0302-246 in order to ensure all issues are
 -->      addressed.

                Download and install the appropriate
                sendmail file.

**REVISED 01**
AVAILABILITY: Fixes are available for 10.20, 11.00, 11.04(VVOS),
 -->          11.11, and 11.22.  This bulletin will be revised
 -->          when a fix is available for 10.10.

CHANGE SUMMARY: Rev.01 - Added fix for 11.22.
                         Added HPSecurityBul253.depot.

 A. Background
    A potential security vulnerability with sendmail has been
    reported in HP-UX.  This potential vulnerability may result
    in unauthorized Privileged Access or a Denial of Service
    (DoS).  This potential vulnerability may be exploited

    This is the vulnerability reported in CERT/CC CA-2003-12.

    Note:  In order to provide fixes as soon as possible manually
           installed files are being provided initially.  A depot
           and patches containing these files will be provided as
           soon as they can be created.
**REVISED 01**
 -->       A depot (HPSecurityBul253.depot) is now available.

    Note: This problem also affects:

      HP Tru64 UNIX/TruCluster Server V4.x and V5.x

       HP Tru64 UNIX Engineering continues to work this
       issue at the highest priority.
       As solution information becomes available HP
       will provide notice of the availability of any
       necessary patches through standard security
       bulletin announcements and be available from your
       normal HP Services support channel.
       The  HP Tru64 bulletin will be posted to the customer
       support website within 24 hours of release to -
       or www.hp.com
       Use the SEARCH IN feature box, enter SSRT in the
       search window or use a specific SSRT #
       (example: SSRT3531)

      HP ProLiant Servers
       If running Open Source Sendmail, refer to the following
       Sendmail Consortium URL for patch details or upgrades:
       As more information becomes available HP
       will provide notice of the availability of any
       necessary patches through standard security
       bulletin announcements and be available from your
       normal HP Services support channel.

       HP NonStop Servers
       HP OpenVMS.

 B. Recommended solution

    Note: The fixes mentioned here include the fix for
          for HPSBUX0302-246.  The files are named to be
          consistent with the names used in HPSBUX0302-246.
          For example, HPSBUX0302-246 provided
          sendmail.811.11.11.r1.  This bulletin provides

    All versions of sendmail provided by HP on HP-UX
    10.X and 11.X are vulnerable unless one of the
    fixes described below has been installed.

    Note:  All the files mentioned for download below are
           available from the following ftp site:

        System:    hprc.external.hp.com  (
        Login:     sendmail
        Password:  sendmail

        FTP Access: ftp://sendmail:sendmail@hprc.external.hp.com/
                or: ftp://sendmail:sendmail@
                or: ftp hprc.external.hp.com

        Note: There is an ftp defect in IE5 that may result in
               a browser hang.  To work around this:
        - Select Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced
        - Un-check the option:
                  [ ] Enable folder view for FTP sites

    To fix the problem:

    1. Determine the sendmail version.
    2. If necessary upgrade to a version of sendmail
       for which a fix is available.  Existing 8.11.1
       versions MUST be updated to the versions listed
       below or subsequent.
    3. Modify sendmail.cf.
**REVISED 01**
 -->   EITHER
 -->4. Download and install HPSecurityBul253.depot.gz.
 -->   OR
 -->5. Download and install the appropriate sendmail
       and killsm files.


    1. Determine the sendmail version.

        Login in as root:
          cd /usr/sbin
          sendmail -d0.1 < /dev/null | grep -i version

        The display will show Version #.#.#

    2. If necessary upgrade to a version of sendmail
       for which a fix is available.

        Fixes are available for the following versions:

           HP-UX 10.20: sendmail 8.9.3
           HP-UX 11.00: sendmail 8.11.1
           HP-UX 11.00: sendmail 8.9.3
           VVOS  11.04: sendmail 8.9.3
           HP-UX 11.11: sendmail 8.11.1
           HP-UX 11.11: sendmail 8.9.3
 -->       HP-UX 11.22: sendmail 8.11.1

 -->    Note: Existing sendmail 8.11.1 on 11.00 and 11.11
 -->          MUST be updated to the versions listed below.

        If you are not running one the those versions,
        you will need to upgrade as follows:

        HP-UX 10.20

         Upgrade to 8.9.3 by installing PHNE_25183.

        HP-UX 11.00

         Upgrade to 8.9.3 by by installing PHNE_24419.
         Upgrade to 8.11.1 by installing the web upgrade
         available on http://www.software.hp.com
Sendmail 8.11.1 Version 2 (B. released in March 2003

        VVOS 11.04 (Virtual Vault Operating System):

         Upgrade to 8.9.3 by installing PHNE_25984.

         Note: VVOS does not support the web upgrade version
               of sendmail 8.11.1.

        HP-UX 11.11

         Upgrade to 8.11.1 by installing the web upgrade
         available on http://www.software.hp.com
Sendmail 8.11.1 Version 3 (B. released in March 2003

    3. Modify sendmail.cf

       Add "restrictqrun" to the PrivacyOptions.
       After the change the line should read:

         O PrivacyOptions=authwarnings,restrictqrun

       This change has already been made in the
       /usr/newconfig/mail/sendmail.cf file delivered with
       the new 8.11.1.
       For 8.9.3 the change must be made in the
       /usr/newconfig/mail/sendmail.cf file.

       For both 8.9.3 and 8.11.1 the change must be made in
       the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf file.

 -->Note: Perform either step 4 or step 5.

 -->4. Download and install HPSecurityBul253.depot.gz:
 -->   a. Download HPSecurityBul253.depot.gz
 -->   b. Unpack the file with gunzip(1)
 -->   c. Verify the cksum or the md5 sum.

 -->      cksum HPSecurityBul253.depot
 -->      3387599586 6860800 HPSecurityBul253.depot
 -->      md5 HPSecurityBul253.depot
 -->      MD5 (HPSecurityBul253.depot) =
 -->            d5019256abfa93e034eeccc319df11ef

 -->   d. Extract the "readme" file for further information:
 -->        cd directory_containing_depot
 -->        swlist -d -l product -a readme
 -->               @ $PWD/HPSecurityBul253.depot
 -->   e. Install HPSecurityBul253.depot with swinstall(1).

    5. Download  and install the appropriate file.

        a. Download the appropriate file(s).

       For HP-UX 10.20: sendmail.893.10.20.r1.gz for 8.9.3
                        killsm.893.10.20 for 8.9.3
       For HP-UX 11.00: sendmail.811.11.00.r1.gz for 8.11.1
                        sendmail.893.11.00.r1.gz for 8.9.3
                        killsm.893.11.00 for 8.9.3
       For HP-UX 11.04: sendmail.893.11.00.r1.gz for 8.9.3
                        killsm.893.11.00 for 8.9.3
       For HP-UX 11.11: sendmail.811.11.11.r2.gz for 8.11.1
                        sendmail.893.11.11.r1.gz for 8.9.3
                        killsm.893.11.11 for 8.9.3
**REVISED 01**
 -->   For HP-UX 11.22: sendmail.811.11.22.r1.gz for 8.11.1
 -->                    killsm.811.11.22 for 8.11.1

 -->   Note: Because of changes to sendmail a new version of
 -->         killsm is required.  The new version is included
 -->         in the latest web upgrade for 8.11.1 on 11.00 amd
 -->         11.11.  Since there is no web upgrade for 8.11.1
 -->         on 11.22, the killsm.811.11.22 is needed.

       b. Unpack the file with gunzip(1)

       c. Verify the cksum or the md5 sum.

      2336630777 811008 sendmail.893.10.20.r1
      3989146179 1042 killsm.893.10.20
      342459522 831488 sendmail.893.11.00.r1
      2688504642 1052 killsm.893.11.00
      3227626308 970752 sendmail.811.11.00.r1
      3541980035 864256 sendmail.893.11.11.r1
      651707972 1053 killsm.893.11.11
      3137083796 1015808 sendmail.811.11.11.r2
 -->  23403750 2312460 sendmail.811.11.22.r1
 -->  3188566214 1191 killsm.811.11.22

     Note: If you wish to verify the md5 sum and you do not
           have a copy of md5, please refer to:
               Patch sums and the MD5 program
     Note: Using your itrc account security bulletins can be
          found here:

    MD5 (sendmail.893.10.20.r1) = 6fdfd434b5a1c90907dc1149f8e7e5b2
    MD5 (killsm.893.10.20) = 8aebbdb41ee527d8bae398a5feda82dd
    MD5 (sendmail.893.11.00.r1) = ae011668557a64d93d5b683380332b8d
    MD5 (killsm.893.11.00) = 4eb6f978de78540790487931b8f43eb1
    MD5 (sendmail.811.11.00.r1) = 99b9c6f895fef1b923500df158f01678
    MD5 (sendmail.893.11.11.r1) = 3be01a159408fa1090d1f7aafe822c88
    MD5 (killsm.893.11.11) = a2c24f912bcf84ffb9dbb92620cac020
    MD5 (sendmail.811.11.11.r2) = afe970b69d99a73faf7808917115f11f
 -->MD5 (sendmail.811.11.22.r1) = dbae99173b44bc5b9698a009456345af
 -->MD5 (killsm.811.11.22) = 3f456a09a76692fb0e77fe2cdb38e5f7

       d. Install the appropriate file as follows:

       Copy the appropriate sendmail file to a protected directory
       such as /usr/sbin.  If you are running sendmail 8.9.3 also
       copy the appropriate killsm file to a protected directory
       such as /usr/sbin.

       Login as root and run killsm:


       Verify the sendmail daemon is not running:

          ps -ef | grep sendmail

       If you are running the 8.9.3 version of sendmail
       replace killsm as follows:

                    cd /usr/sbin
                    cp killsm killsm.orig
                    cp killrm.893.10.20 killsm
                    cp killrm.893.11.00 killsm
                    cp killrm.893.11.11 killsm

**REVISED 01**

 -->   If you are runnimg 11.22:

 -->                cd /usr/sbin
 -->                cp killsm killsm.orig
 -->                cp killrm.811.11.22 killsm

       For all versions of sendmail,
       make a backup copy of the existing sendmail:

          cd /usr/sbin
          cp sendmail sendmail.original

       Note the permissions for reference:

          ls -lia /usr/sbin/sendmail

       Install the new sendmail:

          cp sendmail.xxx.yy.zz.rn sendmail

       For example, on 11.11:

          cp sendmail.811.11.11.r2 sendmail

       Restart sendmail.

       If you were running sendmail before the killsm
       command above, you can now restart it with the
       following command (for HP-UX, not VVOS):

          /sbin/init.d/sendmail start

       Note: Do not execute the command above for VVOS 11.04
             The command runs sendmail as a daemon, which is
             not supported by VVOS (Virtual Vault Operating

 --> End of Step 5.

    Note: If you receive either of the following messages after
    applying the fix, please follow the recommended action.

     warning: /etc/mail/aliases has world read or
                        write permission. This is unsafe.

     warning: /etc/mail/aliases.db has world read or
                        write permission. This is unsafe.

     Recommended action

      Execute the following commands.

        chmod 640 /etc/mail/aliases
        chmod 640 /etc/mail/aliases.db
        sendmail -bi

 C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
    Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic
    mail, do the following:

    Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page


    Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login
    using your ID and password.  Use your existing login or the
    "Register" button at the left to create a login, in order to
    gain access to many areas of the ITRC.  Remember to save the
    User ID assigned to you, and your password.

    In the left most frame select "Maintenance and Support".

    Under the "Notifications" section (near the bottom of
    the page), select "Support Information Digests".

    To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other
    Technical Digests, click the check box (in the left column)
    for the appropriate digest and then click the "Update
    Subscriptions" button at the bottom of the page.


    To -review- bulletins already released, select the link
    (in the middle column) for the appropriate digest.

    NOTE: Using your itrc account security bulletins can be
          found here:

    To -gain access- to the Security Patch Matrix, select
    the link for "The Security Bulletins Archive".  (near the
    bottom of the page)  Once in the archive the third link is
    to the current Security Patch Matrix. Updated daily, this
    matrix categorizes security patches by platform/OS release,
    and by bulletin topic.  Security Patch Check completely
    automates the process of reviewing the patch matrix for
    11.XX systems.

    For information on the Security Patch Check tool, see:

    The security patch matrix is also available via anonymous


    On the "Support Information Digest Main" page:
    click on the "HP Security Bulletin Archive".

    The PGP key used to sign this bulletin is available from
    several PGP Public Key servers.  The key identification
    information is:

       HP Security Response Team (Security Bulletin signing only)
       Fingerprint =
         6002 6019 BFC1 BC62 F079 862E E01F 3AFC 2D2A 7D59

    If you have problems locating the key please write to
    security-alert@hp.com.  Please note that this key is
    for signing bulletins only and is not the key returned
    by sending 'get key' to security-alert@hp.com.

 D. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to


    Please encrypt any exploit information using the
    security-alert PGP key, available from your local key
    server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body)
    of 'get key' (no quotes) to security-alert@hp.com.


(c)Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Company
Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or
editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information
in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard Company and the names of HP products referenced
herein are trademarks and/or service marks of Hewlett-Packard
Company.  Other product and company names mentioned herein may be
trademarks and/or service marks of their respective owners.


Version: PGP Personal Security 7.0.3


- --------------------------END INCLUDED TEXT--------------------

You have received this e-mail bulletin as a result of your organisation's
registration with AusCERT. The mailing list you are subscribed to is
maintained within your organisation, so if you do not wish to continue
receiving these bulletins you should contact your local IT manager. If
you do not know who that is, please send an email to auscert@auscert.org.au
and we will forward your request to the appropriate person.

This security bulletin is provided as a service to AusCERT's members.  As
AusCERT did not write the document quoted above, AusCERT has had no control
over its content.  The decision to use any or all of this information is
the responsibility of each user or organisation, and should be done so in
accordance with site policies and procedures.

NOTE: This is only the original release of the security bulletin.  It may
not be updated when updates to the original are made.  If downloading at
a later date, it is recommended that the bulletin is retrieved directly
from the author's website to ensure that the information is still current.

Contact information for the authors of the original document is included
in the Security Bulletin above.  If you have any questions or need further
information, please contact them directly.

Previous advisories and external security bulletins can be retrieved from:


If you believe that your system has been compromised, contact AusCERT or
your representative in FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security

Internet Email: auscert@auscert.org.au
Facsimile:      (07) 3365 7031
Telephone:      (07) 3365 4417 (International: +61 7 3365 4417)
                AusCERT personnel answer during Queensland business 
                hours which are GMT+10:00 (AEST).  On call after hours 
                for member emergencies only.

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Comment: http://www.auscert.org.au/render.html?it=1967
